3 Landscape Paintings by Albertus Eugene Jones

A Donation of Fine Art

A generous Norman Williams Public Library supporter and former Trustee, William Chorske, has recently donated four large landscapes for visitors to enjoy.

Three oils spanning the seasons by Albertus Eugene Jones (American,1882–1957) are on display in the meeting room by the circulation desk. Jones was an influential and highly regarded artist in Connecticut. In addition to his landscape paintings and work for Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration (WPA), Jones taught drawing and painting for decades.

A WPA biographer wrote: “[Jones] takes particular pains to make his landscapes vital and natural. His skies are always incorporated into the pattern and are not simply background. Withal he invariably expresses the strength and restraint of the New England landscape and its architecture.”

A summer landscape in pastel by Woodstock painter Neil Drevitson (1944- ) is displayed in the Reading Room. Drevitson has won numerous awards and his work is in public and private collections around the globe.

The Guild of Boston Artists’ biography of Drevitson states “In addition to being an incredibly accomplished artist, he is a certified romantic. Painting in the tradition of the Boston School, each of his subjects, no matter what medium chosen, becomes an absolutely beautiful work of art.”

Stop by and enjoy these new additions at the library.

Neil Drevidson Pastel Landscape Painting

(From the 5/2/24 “Notes from NWPL” weekly column in the Vermont Standard.)




