Need Tech Help?
The Norman Williams Public Library offers one-on-one technical/computer help.
Call or email to set up a mutually convenient time. Bring your mobile device, eReader, tablet or laptop to your appointment (and your passwords) and we’ll do our best to help answer your questions.
Here are some things we can help you with:
Working with photos
Navigating complicated websites and forms
Transferring documents and photos from one device to another
Categorizing emails
Downloading eBooks and audio books
Using our library catalog and reserving or renewing books from home
or… just ask!
The Norman Williams Public Library is pleased to offer you access to the Internet.
The library has computers and a printer/scanner/fax for the use of all patrons and visitors.* On rare occasions, if demand is great, computer use may be limited to half-hour increments.
The Internet is also accessible to all users who bring their own laptops or devices. Access to the Internet at the library via our wireless network is encrypted and requires a password available at the Front Desk. The library cannot be held responsible for theft or loss of any information transmitted or stored, such as cookies, passwords, etc.
The Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed over the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. We do not censor or protect anyone from controversial or inappropriate resources. As with other library materials, restriction of a child’s access (under 18) to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. We recommend that parents or guardians guide their child’s use of the Internet by direct personal observation.
One-on-one tutorials are available to help patrons access information on the Internet. Please schedule a time for a session at the front desk.
*We ask for 25 cents per page for printing.