The Vermont Department of Libraries, Special Services Unit is a regional network library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, providing recorded, large print and braille books , audio-described videos and other materials to qualifying individuals. Applying for these free library services is easy; anyone desiring these services just needs to fill out an application and have it approved by the Special Services Unit. Once approved, the materials are delivered to the individual’s home and may then be returned postage free.
This must be filled out by hand and mailed to Berlin as it requires an original signature by the “Certifying Authority” attesting to the individual’s disability. The document may be downloaded from the Department of Libraries site or by contacting the library. Once on the State site you may look at the available materials via the on line catalog and be referred to other sites of interest.
Update: The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped has been renamed the ABLE Library, an acronym that stands for our primary services – Audio, Braille, Large-print, and Ebooks. We still offer the same resources to our patrons, but under a more descriptive and contemporary name.