The Library will offer programs of an educational and entertaining nature for all ages that further the NWPL’s mission of promoting lifelong learning. The Library will use the following criteria in selecting program topics:
• Patron interest and community need
• Relation to Library collections, resources, and other programs
• Educational or entertainment value
• Connection to other community programs, exhibitions, and events
• Library Budget and available resources and space
All NWPL programs will be open to the public, though registration may be required for some programs due to limited space. Program presenters may not solicit business before, during, or after a program but may leave cards or brochures for attendees. Authors and performers may, at the discretion of the Library Director, sell their publications as part of a program.
As a service to the community, the Norman Williams Public Library welcomes organizations and individuals to use its building and grounds. Hosted programs should further the NWPL’s mission of promoting lifelong learning and meet the program selection criteria set forth above, with the exception of private social gatherings (see #4 below).
The NWPL is available to outside groups by prior arrangement on a non-discriminatory, equitable basis, regardless of the group’s beliefs or affiliation or the purpose of the event, provided the event and its content are lawful. Use of Library venues does not constitute an endorsement by the NWPL of the individual’s or group’s mission or views. Library functions take priority when scheduling guest programs.
The NWPL encourages a “no admission or donation” policy for community events while acknowledging that there may be a need to charge for materials.
The NWPL staff is pleased to assist groups or individuals interested in reserving space by providing tours of the Library and helping identify appropriate spaces for functions. The Library’s furnishings and equipment—including computers and other electronics—may be made available to clients at the discretion of the Director and staff as determined to be appropriate. Exterior water and power sources may be used only if previously approved.
The Library requires that all groups or individuals using the facility during business hours be respectful of patrons and their needs. Organizations and individuals must abide by current Library policies and occupancy limits including COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines.
If special accommodations are needed as a means of enabling the broadest possible community participation, the arrangement for and cost of such accommodations will be the responsibility of the group or individual.
The NWPL does not allow smoking or vaping anywhere on its premises. The NWPL does not allow the serving or consumption of alcohol unless the Library Director has approved such alcohol use and the event organizer’s arrangements for alcohol service fully comply with Vermont law and the requirements of the Vermont Department of Liquor Control.
The NWPL assumes no responsibility for loss of, theft of, or damage to the participants’ property during setup, use, or breakdown of space(s). Further, the Library assumes no responsibility for injury to event participants.
While there is no fee for programs with the exception of Personal, Private events, donations are welcome and appreciated to help defray costs for heat and building maintenance.
There are four different categories of programs and events:
1) NWPL event: NWPL is Organizer, Sponsor, and Host (eg Chess, Knitting, Author Event)
Library staff will organize and present programs and may invite outside presenters to perform those functions. The Library may pay an outside presenter a fee or honorarium for the presentation of a program.
Admission fees will not be charged for NWPL-organized programs, although some special events may be designed specifically for fundraising.
Some programs may be made possible by grants, donations, or in-kind gifts. Any group or business that contributes to a Library program will be mentioned in program publicity.
Summary/Responsibilities: NWPL event: NWPL is Organizer, Sponsor, and Host
Promote – newsletter, lists, etc.
AV setup
Room setup
Clean up
2) Collaborative Event: External Organizer; NWPL is Collaborating Sponsor and Host (eg Bookstock, Friends Concert, Garden Club Lectures, Friends Bridge)
A community group or agency organizing a program may request the Library collaborate on producing the event. This collaboration will involve cooperating with publicity, room setup, and AV equipment setup.
External organizers must deliver program information to the designated Library staff at least four weeks in advance.
Refreshments may be served at a hosted program, following the rules stated above.
Co-sponsors are expected to help with setup, break down, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition.
Summary/Responsibilities: Collaborative Event: External Organizer; NWPL is Collaborating Sponsor and Host
Room setup
Clean up
Promote – include in newsletter and on website
Limited staff support
Room setup support
AV setup
3) External or Private Organizer and Sponsor; NWPL is Host (eg Public: Garden Club Plant Sale; AND Private: Business meeting, Friends Board Meeting; Italian Class; Tutors)
An External or Private Organizer and Sponsor will have full responsibility for the program’s content and execution with limited support from the Library.
External or Private Organizers of events open to the public will be responsible for creating and distributing any promotional or other materials associated with the use of NWPL space. Printed posters and other publicity, including social media, will include the disclaimer:
This presentation/meeting is organized by ___________ and will be held at Norman Williams Public Library; it is not a library-sponsored or endorsed event.
Materials distributed by parties using Library space solely for a private social function are generally not required to contain the foregoing disclaimer.
External or Private Organizers are responsible for room setup, breakdown, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition.
Summary/Responsibilities: External or Private Organizer and Sponsor; NWPL is Host
Room setup
Clean up
Room setup support
AV setup
4) Personal, Private Event during or outside of business hours at the discretion of the Director (eg Wedding, Showers, Private Tai Chi Class)
Occasionally, the Library Director may approve the use of the venue for a Personal or Private Event.
This will require a deposit and payment under terms of the NWPL’s rental contract to be determined by the specific needs of the event. In addition, the Library requires a damage deposit, which will be returned within one week of the event if no damage has occurred. All of the above rules are in effect including following occupancy guidelines and following Vermont licensing requirements.
Personal, Private Event Organizers are responsible for room setup, breakdown, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition. The Library will require compensation for any damages to finishes, furnishings, or equipment resulting from private use. Such compensation will be deducted from the deposit.
Summary/Responsibilities: Personal, Private Event during or outside of business hours
Pay Deposit and Fee
Room setup
Clean up
Staff on site during event
Support room setup
AV setup