The Norman Williams Public Library thanks you and all of our generous donors for another successful year of serving the Greater Woodstock Area. Our fiscal year ends on June 30, and your gift will really enable us to end the year on a positive note.
Less than 40% of the library’s budget comes from the municipality. This is barely enough to cover building related expenses and provide minimal staffing. It is the annual contributions of our friends and neighbors that enable us to buy books and other publications, equipment, supplies and provide programming. These are the services that make your library the community center for life-long learning.
Your contribution will help us touch thousand of lives–preschoolers at our many story-times inside and outside the library, teens who come to use high speed internet services, adults of all ages who come for technical education about their electronic devices or those who take advantage of the quiet Reading Room to peruse the daily Boston Globe. The Norman Williams Public Library exists to serve you and your neighbors. Please help us by contributing.
We are especially fortunate this year to have two separate challenge grants matching donor gifts:
- The Jack and Dorothy Byrne will match gifts at 100% for new donors or those who have not contributed in the past 3 years.
- Harvey and Lois Watson, along with members of our Board of Trustees and Staff, have generously agreed to match donations of $500 or more received by July 31.
Your gift of any amount is greatly appreciated! Your contribution allows us to create memories for our children just embarking on a literary life, rekindles nostalgia for those looking to lose themselves in a great novel, and provides a vital source for education in all its forms.
We are counting on your support. Please send your gift today. Click here to make your gift online. Contbributions may also be mailed to The Library Fund, 10 The Green, Woodstock, VT 05091.
“The three most important documents a free society gives are a birth certificate, a passport, and a library card.” E. L. Doctorow