A valid Library card is required to borrow any materials for use outside the building. Cards are available at no cost to all residents of Woodstock, Bridgewater, and other towns that may provide taxpayer support of the NWPL.
Non-resident cards are available for an annual fee equal to the per capita tax allocation paid by Woodstock residents. Temporary cards may be purchased in six- and 12-month increments. These cardholders enjoy the same privileges as Woodstock residents. A non-resident patron who cannot afford the fee may request a reduction or exemption from the Library Director. It is the intention of the NWPL Board of Trustees that no one be denied access to borrowing privileges due to limited income. All staff in Woodstock schools are eligible for a free Library card.
Currently the annual membership fee for non-residents is $70 per household.
Cards may be issued to children under age 16 with the signature of a parent or guardian accepting responsibility for materials borrowed.
Scope of Access
A registered borrower has full use of the Norman Williams Public Library. This includes but is not limited to checking out circulating library material, access to inter-library loan items, downloadable audio and e-books, movie streaming, online databases, internet and word processing access, and cost-per-page printing.
Non-registered borrowers may use library material while in the building, may attend programs, have free internet access, and cost-per-page printing. They may obtain circulating materials from the Norman Williams Public Library by asking their local library to request the materials through inter-library loan.
Checkout Periods and Renewals
Checkout periods and renewals for Library materials vary depending on item type. Generally, materials less than six months old may be checked out for 14 days and renewed once. Most older items have a checkout period of 21 days and may be renewed up to two times.
Item Limits
Checkout limits vary depending on item type. Among our more popular circulating items, the following limits apply:
Books = 100
New Books = 4
Audio Books = 10
New Audio Books = 3
Videos = 4
New Videos = 2
Music CDs = 10
eBooks + eAudiobooks = 3 total
kanopy movies = 5/month
Patrons are responsible for replacement costs of lost or damaged items. If a reasonable replacement cost cannot be determined through the NWPL’s catalog system, the Library Director will determine the cost. A patron may not borrow any other items until the bill for the lost or damaged item has been paid.
Reserve Requests and Interlibrary Loan
Materials currently checked out to other patrons may be placed on reserve using the NWPL’s online catalog, or by speaking to a staff member. Books not owned by the NWPL, or the Catamount Library Network, may be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). ILL is available to all Library cardholders and can be used to borrow library materials and to obtain photocopies from other libraries. When a patron is notified that the requested ILL material has arrived, the patron will have three days to pick it up.