There are many ways to support the Norman Williams Public Library.
While open to all, NWPL is not a fully-funded municipal library. Each year, nearly two-thirds of the library’s operating budget must be raised through our Annual Appeal letters, our Gala, and other special programs.
The Friends of NWPL and many other volunteers donating their time in many roles – from teacher to Trustee – play an essential role in the vitality of the library.
The Book Sale in our Library Foyer is an ever-changing selection of titles for everyone in the family.

The Norman Williams Public Library, while open to all, is not a fully-funded municipal library. Each year, nearly two-thirds of the library’s operating budget must be raised through our Annual Appeal letters, our Gala, and other special programs.
Unfortunately, the Library’s largest annual fundraiser, the Ex-Libris Gala, was not able to be held safely for several years. This one yearly event provides 10% of our operating budget. The Library also depends on revenue from book sales which were severely limited during the pandemic. Because of the loss of these significant revenue sources, support from all our patrons is even more critical if we are going to be able to offer services during this challenging time.
The Trustees of the Norman Williams Public Library both welcome and seek charitable gifts. Charitable contributions are a major source of revenue for the support of both general operations and specific programs of the Library. Contributions generally take the form of outright gifts, such as, cash, checks, credit card payments and marketable securities. Checks should be paid to the order of the “Norman Williams Public Library, Inc.” For information about Planned Giving opportunities, or to transfer securities, please contact Michael Ricci at or (802) 457-2295, extension 126.
Outright Gifts
Cash, check or Credit Card Gifts may be made in person at the Library. Checks may also be mailed to the attention of the Director of the Library at 10 The Green, Woodstock, VT 05091. Checks should be paid to the order of the “Norman Williams Public Library, Inc.”
Credit Card Gifts may be made directly from the NWPL Website by clicking on the “Donate” button at the right.
NWPL Annual Appeals
Traditionally, Norman Williams Public Library has two fundraising campaigns, one in the spring and one toward the end of the year.
Details will be posted soon…
Gifts of Tangible Property
The most common types of tangible personal property contributed to charity include: rare books and documents, artwork, non-marketable securities (Any type of security that is difficult to buy or sell because it does not trade on a normal market or exchange), jewelry, gems, and other collectibles; services, motor vehicles, watercraft, and aircraft. Please contact Michael Ricci at or (802) 457-2295 for more information on making a gift of tangible personal property.
Book Donations
The Norman Williams Public Library welcomes donations of books, both hardcover and paperback, anytime we are open. Some donations will be used to replace damaged materials. Others will be added to the collection. Most will be sold in the library’s book sales including the rare book sale and the ongoing foyer book sale to raise money for programs, add new books to the collection, and fund the overall upkeep of the library.
We welcome all types of books, new or old, though we discourage the donation of out-of-date textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias, and atlases before 1990, and Reader’s Digest books. We accept vinyl records but are not currently accepting DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, or cassettes.
When you want to donate please contact the main circulation desk to make an appointment. Wine or liquor boxes are ideal for packing books, especially for large donations.
Like all charitable donations, you can write off the value of your donation from your income tax. All you need to do is ask the main desk librarian for a donation slip. If you have any questions feel free to call or email us. Thank you.
Gifts of Real Estate
Giving a gift of real estate, such as a personal home, vacation home, undeveloped property, or a farm, can be a highly effective philanthropic and financial strategy as well as a generous benefit to The Norman Williams Public Library. Please contact Michael Ricci at or (802) 457-2295 for more information on making a gift of real estate.
Planned Giving-Legacy Society
With a planned giving strategy, you become a member of The Norman Williams Legacy Society.
The Library actively seeks and encourages planned, or deferred gifts, that is, gifts whose benefit to the Library is delayed until some point in the future. Examples are bequests, and charitable transfers via life insurance contracts, IRAs, and retirement plans. Unrestricted purposes are preferred.
Your assets work for Norman Williams Public Library and benefit your estate.
Please contact Michael Ricci at or (802) 457-2295 for more information on planned giving.
(This pastel painted by Ivan Albright (1897-1983) is the emblem of our Legacy Society. It was given to the Library by John McDill, father of Jane Smith, Library Trustee for 44 years, and President of the Board for 30 years.)
Much of the good work of the library is accomplished through the time and effort graciously donated by our volunteers. In addition to the volunteers who serve on the Board of Trustees, the staff and patrons of the library are very appreciative of the generosity of the many who give their time to support the mission of the library shelving books, organizing the book sale, and other behind the scenes tasks.
Great thanks go to the current volunteers:
Gina Auriema / Richard Bennett / Karen Copenhaver / Elise D’Andrea / Jen Danly / Jenny Dembinski / Fran Lancaster / Tomoko Liguori / James (Mac) MacClelland / Rose Mroszczyk / Rae Newell / Sonja Olson / Mary Margaret Sloan / Leigh Snell / Donna Steed
Art Committee
Wanting to offer the local community a new venue to exhibit local artwork, the Art Committee conceived of the Gallery on the Mezzanine a decade ago. Meeting at least once a month, their tireless efforts include encouraging area artists, scheduling and publicizing the gallery shows, and even at times repairing the gallery walls and hanging the exhibits.
They are a devoted group who are dedicated to enhancing the cultural life of Woodstock. Learn more about the NWPL Art Committee.
Book Sale
The Norman Williams Public Library benefits from the generous donation of books from individuals in the community. (See above for details on donating.) These books are carefully curated by volunteers and displayed in the Library Foyer to give or to sell to the public.
Sales from these donated books provide a significant portion of the Library’s operating budget, promote reading and book ownership, and effectively recycle valuable resources. Inventory exceeds what is displayed at any one time and so the books the selection is refreshed regularly.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the principal governing body of the Library.
According to the bylaws, the business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed and administered by the board of trustees elected from among the membership of the Corporation, with the exception of the member appointed by the Town of Woodstock as hereinafter provided. The board of trustees shall have the entire charge of the property, interests, business, personnel, policies, and transactions of the Corporation, with full power to manage and conduct the same, including the power to delegate duties to an appropriate person or persons. The board shall have the authority to employ and dismiss all employees of the Corporation.
Friends of the Norman Williams Public Library
The mission of the Friends is to foster and encourage community support and participation that benefit the NWPL in its role as a greater Woodstock area cultural center.
The Friends is involved in special fundraising efforts that help the library offer an enhanced library environment and experience that are not achievable within the confines of the operating budget. For instance, donations from the Friends have made possible the purchase and installations of new laptops, a new sound system, STEM resources, a musical keyboard, Children’s Library decorating, gardens and landscaping.
Most of our funding comes for annual dues, contributions, our Love Your Library Open House for Valentine’s Day, our annual Spring Concert, our major fundraiser Puppies & Pooches on Parade in late summer, and our Wassail Party for members. To learn more, visit the Friends of NWPL website.