Norman Williams Library Staff & Contact Information

Current Staff

Library Director: Clare McFarland

Adult Services Director: Kathy Beaird

Youth Services Director: Adrian Tans

Director of Development: Michael Ricci

Programming and Marketing Librarian: Liza Bernard

Collection Cataloging Director: Ellen Desmeules

Adult Services Librarians: Ria Heinz, Lori Mitchell, Sarah Muhlberg

Youth Services Librarian: Nikki Wilkins

Bookkeeper: Jane Blanchard


General Email Inboxes

Reference, renewal, or reserving books:

Youth Services:

Events and marketing:

Help with technology:

Contact the director:

General inquiries:


Phone Number


Adult Reference/Circulation x 113

Children’s Circulation x 102

Programs x 121

Director x 123

Much of the good work of the library is accomplished through the time and effort graciously donated by our volunteers. The staff and patrons of the library are very appreciative of the generosity of their work. Learn more about how to volunteer and to acknowledge those who already do.