Service to the Community Policy


The Norman Williams Public Library (“the Library”; the “NWPL”) is committed to being a valuable community resource for materials, information, and programs. Patrons are invited to browse the collection, use the computers, read and study, enjoy programs, and converse with friends. The Library serves all individuals and groups in the Woodstock area. All activities and services are open to the public regardless of race, age, gender and sexual orientation, background, or beliefs. Every staff member shall be committed to excellent public service, to meeting the needs of the community, and to making the Library a safe and welcoming place.

The Library shall actively strive to serve members of the community who are often overlooked or discouraged from partaking of Library services or participating in Library programs. As far as practical and appropriate in specific circumstances, the NWPL shall follow the guidance of the American Library Association by (1) removing “all [financial] barriers to Library and information services, particularly fees and overdue charges,” for those who cannot afford them; (2) encouraging staff members to participate in training on issues affecting low-income people, those with disabilities, and other marginalized populations, addressing attitudinal and other barriers that hinder their use of libraries; and (3) “assessing the needs of low-income people” and implementing programs and services that can be useful to them.

In addition, the NWPL is committed to anti-racist practices in its recruitment of  Trustees and staff, in programming and material selection for its collections, and in being a public voice and resource for social justice. As a trusted community institution, the Library has a responsibility to educate and inspire the public on the pressing societal issues of discrimination, exclusion, and systemic racism, and will work with town officials, local schools, and other area non-profits whenever appropriate to advance anti-racist efforts in the community.

There shall be no charge for services provided by the Library, except for fines for lost or overdue materials, nominal fees for making copies and sending fax documents, or contracted use of the facility.

Reference services are available to any member of the public, in person or from remote locations, within the limitations of the Library’s resources and availability of staff. Special research inquiries that demand excessive attention will usually be referred to more appropriate agencies or independent researchers.

Acceptance of Gifts

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the Trustees and staff of the Norman Williams Public Library, as well as to potential donors, regarding gifts intended to benefit the Library, now or in the future.

Charitable contributions are a major source of revenue for support of both general operations and specific programs of the Library. The Trustees conduct two fundraising campaigns each year to support general operations: one in the spring and one near calendar year’s end. Cash gifts and marketable securities are the most welcome forms of giving during these campaigns.

In addition, the Library actively seeks planned, or deferred, gifts, that is, gifts whose benefit to the NWPL is delayed until some point in the future. Examples are bequests, charitable-remainder trusts and annuities, and charitable transfers via life insurance contracts, IRAs, and retirement plans. Unrestricted purposes are preferred. It is helpful for the Trustees to know in advance if a donor has named the NWPL  as a beneficiary so that the Trustees can not only express their appreciation and include the donor in their Legacy Circle membership, but also work with the donor or the donor’s financial or philanthropic advisers to ensure that the terms of the gift best meet the donor’s charitable intent, as well as the Library’s long-term needs.

Any donation of restricted funds, designated by the donor for specific purposes rather than for general use by the Library, requires approval by the Board of Trustees before being accepted. Upon acceptance, the NWPL will strive to respect the intent of the donor’s wishes.

Gifts-in-kind. The Library may also receive non-marketable securities, tangible and intangible personal property, real estate, and even services. Such gifts are known as gifts-in-kind. Regardless of the eventual disposition of an in-kind gift, the value of the in-kind gift is its fair market value at the time of receipt. Gifts-in-kind are usually not accepted for fundraising campaigns.

Although such gifts as fine art, furniture, real estate, and equipment may be welcome, the decision whether to accept them rests with the Board of Trustees. Before accepting gifts-in-kind, the Trustees shall consider the following factors: the nature and fair market value of the asset; costs associated with the transfer of the asset from the donor to the Trustees; arrangements for the safekeeping and use of the asset; arrangements for the sale of the asset and costs associated with the sale; any other costs or concerns pertinent to the asset, such as rates of appreciation or depreciation, liquidation, and possible liability. Any gift-in-kind whose value exceeds $2,500 must be reviewed by the Board’s Finance Committee before the Library can accept it.

The NWPL reserves the right to make all decisions about use, housing, and disposition of materials. The Library does not appraise gifts nor provide evaluations of gifts for tax purposes. Any appraisals of in-kind gifts must be completed at the donor’s expense.

When gifts-in-kind  are accepted and received by the Trustees, they become the permanent property of the NWPL, to be used or disposed of at the discretion of the Trustees. Donors relinquish all rights to ownership and disposition.

Gifts of real estate may require an environmental assessment in addition to the other in-kind considerations mentioned above and will be accepted only upon completion of any required assessment. Real estate given to  the Library will be valued at its appraised value, not the price eventually received at its sale. If an appraisal is not available at, or shortly after, the date the gift is received, $1 will be recorded on the donor’s giving record. The $1 gift will stay on the donor’s record until an appraisal is received.

Donated books. Books and non-print materials that the Library accepts may be placed in the collection, donated to another local, regional, or more appropriate institution, or sold. The policy governing the disposition of gift materials in the Library collection is the same as that for materials the Library purchases. The NWPL will not set up special collections and will not permit circulation restrictions or stipulations for future use without approval by the Board of Trustees.

Material that bears the ownership mark of another institution and does not indicate that it has been withdrawn from that institution’s collection shall be returned to that institution whenever possible. In general, reproductions or photocopies of copyrighted works will not be accepted.

Acknowledgements.  The Library shall promptly acknowledge in writing with appropriate IRS receipt all gifts and gifts-in-kind. In addition to direct acknowledgments, there may be a desire to recognize individual contributions in the form of bookplates, plaques, publications, etc. The Trustees shall participate in other periodic forms of donor recognition, acknowledging that these are also important and appropriate expressions of gratitude.

Confidentiality.  All information regarding donors and prospective donors concerning their assets, gifts, potential heirs, and personal data is considered confidential, and shall be discussed only with staff, Trustees, and the NWPL’s financial advisers on a need to know basis, unless the donor or prospective donor grants permission to disclose such information.

ADA Compliance

The Library shall comply with all state and federal laws pertaining to serving the disabled, cooperate fully with the Vermont Department of Libraries to make special services available to disabled individuals, and strive to provide outreach services and materials to those who are unable to visit the Library because of disability. The NWPL endeavors to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act at all times. Our requirements are covered in Title III for Business and Non-Profit Service Providers, including but not limited to, Sections 7.8500 – Libraries and 6.4000 – Historic Structures. For Title III in its entirety please see: the ADA website:

Promotional materials for Library events and programs will state: “The Library is ADA accessible and will make every attempt to accommodate persons with special needs. Patrons are asked to call at least two weeks in advance if special services are required.”

Children’s Policy

This policy refers to anyone age 15 and younger.The NWPL welcomes children of all ages and is committed to making the Library an inviting and fun place. Special programs, story times, books, and games are some of the ways the NWPL reaches out to young people to help them develop a love of books, libraries, and learning. Young people age 15 and under may use the computers in the Children’s Library. They are not permitted to use those on the mezzanine.

NWPL resources for young people include:

• Fiction and nonfiction books
• Magazines
• DVDs
• Computer and Internet access
• Assistance from staff in accessing collection and information
• Internet training
• Special programs
• Baby and preschool story times
• Space for study
• Educational games and puzzles

Library collections and Internet access are available to all patrons without restriction. It is not the responsibility of the NWPL staff to exercise a supervisory or restrictive role in determining which resources young people may access. Parents and caregivers are responsible for their children’s use of Library resources as well as the Internet.

Responsibility for the behavior and well-being of children using the Library rests with the parent, guardian, or caregiver assigned by the parent, not with the Library staff. The staff is not responsible for the whereabouts of children, whether they are inside or outside the Library.

Children age 10 and younger need to be supervised at all times by an adult or responsible adolescent who is at least 14 years old.  A child is considered unattended when out of sight of a parent or caregiver.

Children are expected to adhere to the Library’s posted Rules of Conduct.

Collection Development

The purpose of this policy is to guide the Librarians and inform the public about the principles upon which selection and retention decisions are made. The policy is directed toward building and maintaining, within the limits imposed by funds and space, a collection of materials representing a wide range of interests, views, tastes, and values, including cultural and racial diversity.The NWPL seeks to have a balanced collection that serves the greatest number of users and potential users within the greater Woodstock community. In following this policy, the Library’s acquisition of material does not constitute endorsement of its content.

The Library provides free access to information in print and non-print formats. Patrons make their own choices as to what they will use based on individual interests and concerns. The Norman Williams Public Library supports the right of each family to decide which items are appropriate for use by their children.

The NWPL adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom adopted by the American Library Association as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights ( and the Freedom to Read statement (  issued jointly by the American Library Association and the Association of American Publishers.

Responsibility for Selection.  The selection of Library print and electronic resources within the framework of a NWPL Board-approved collection development policy is an administrative function and one of the responsibilities of the Library Director. She or he may delegate this responsibility to appropriately trained staff members, who will be guided by this policy, literary standards, selection tools, the interests of Library patrons, and the needs of the Woodstock community and its individual members.

The Collection. The NWPL’s collection of books and other resources provides literary, cultural, educational, informational, and recreational materials for people of all ages. Books, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, audio books, downloadable audio books and ebooks, compact discs, and microfilm are included in the collection. In addition, the Library purchases access to information through subscription databases, e-reference books, and other online services. The majority of the electronic services are available to NWPL cardholders through the Library’s website.

Criteria for Selection.  Selecting Library materials is an interpretive process based on the professional knowledge and judgment of the staff. Staff members consult bibliographic works and reviews in professional and general-interest periodicals for evaluations of available materials. Suggestions from patrons are given serious consideration. In selecting materials, the following criteria will be used as they apply:

• Public demand, interest, or need
• Permanence, current relevance, or social significance
• Relation to existing collection
• Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment; clarity, accuracy, objectivity, and logic of presentation; artistic quality and literary style as established by reviews in standard selection sources
• Reputation of author, producer, or publisher
• The work’s contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on controversial issues
• Suitability of physical format for Library use
• Reference value
• Cost
• Availability through network transfers or interlibrary loan

Childrens Materials. Materials especially suited to young people are housed in the Children’s Room of the Library. All these materials are selected using the same general guidelines as those for the adult collections. Materials are chosen for children of all ages and abilities, with emphasis on materials that entertain, stimulate the imagination, develop reading ability, and enable children to learn about themselves and the world around them. All NWPL collections and resources are available to any Library user. Responsibility for the use of the Library and its resources by children and young adults rests with their parents or legal guardians.

Collection Maintenance. The Library regularly withdraws materials that are out of date, not longer of interest, duplicated, worn, or mutilated. Weeding the collection serves three purposes. First, it withdraws materials that are too dated or damaged to be useful to patrons. Second, it makes it easier for patrons to access the collection by eliminating the need to sort through items that are no longer of interest or use. Third, it maintains the NWPL’s collections at sizes appropriate to the Library’s facility. Frequency of circulation, community interest and needs, and the availability of newer and more relevant works are the primary considerations when making decisions to withdraw Library materials.

Gifts. Materials donated to the Library with the intention of being added to the collection will be evaluated using the same criteria as all other materials, and upon consideration may be refused.

Reconsideration of Library Material    

When a patron has a question or an objection concerning the presence of a book or other item in the collection, Library staff will listen to the question or objection and inform the person of the NWPL’s criteria for selection. If this discussion does not satisfy the patron and the patron would like inclusion of this item in the collection to be reconsidered, the patron should be given the “Citizen’s Request for Re-evaluation of Library Materials” form, along with the Library’s Mission Statement, Collection Development Policy, and the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. The patron should complete the form as fully as possible and return it to the Library Director. For the duration of the re-evaluation process the item in question will remain in the NWPL collection.

The Director will convene a Materials Evaluation Committee consisting of the head of the department in which the concern originated, the staff person responsible for selection in this area, one other member of the staff, and the Director. All members of the committee will read, view, or listen to the item in question and evaluate it. Review sources may also be consulted.

The committee will meet to discuss the item, and within 15 business days the Director will prepare a report summarizing the committee’s evaluation. A copy of the report will be sent to the person who submitted the “Citizen’s Request for Re-evaluation of Library Material” form.

If the patron is not satisfied with the Materials Evaluation Committee’s report, he or she may submit a written request within 10 business days for a hearing with the NWPL Board of Trustees. The Trustees will be sent copies of the committee’s report and the “Citizen’s Request for Re-evaluation of Library Material” form before the Board meeting at which the hearing is scheduled. The patron will be notified of the time and place where the meeting will be held. The Board will base its decision on whether the item conforms to the Board-approved Collection Development Policy. The Board reserves the right to limit the length of public comments. The decision of the Board is final.

Communications Media

The Norman Williams Public Library uses several media platforms to keep the public informed. Foremost is the NWPL website (, which is updated regularly and is the most accurate source of information about the Library.  In addition, anyone can subscribe to the NWPL Newsletter to receive email announcements of Library events, news, and information.  The public is also encouraged to subscribe to the NWPL Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for periodic updates. Members of the public who wish to promote their events at the Library should bring information to the circulation desk or submit it electronically to To best serve the mission of the NWPL, the website will only publish information that has direct bearing on the Library and its mission. A bulletin board near the front entrance of the building features announcements about Library news and events as well as information from other community organizations, at the discretion of the Library Director or the Director’s designated agent. Materials must be submitted to Library staff for review and posting.To the extent that the Library’s social media accounts are open to public comments, the NWPL prohibits the use of these applications for any purpose that is illegal or that might create civil liability (such as libel or slander) for the Library. Comments, posts, and messages may not contain:

• Obscene or racist content
• Defamation of others or personal attacks that might intimidate others
• Plagiarized material
• Personal information published without consent
• Comments unrelated to the content of the forum

Use of NWPL social software applications is conditional on user agreeing to observe this policy.

Computer Use

The Norman Williams Public Library is pleased to offer access to the Internet.

Free WiFi at NWPLThe Library’s computers on the mezzanine are available to all patrons age 16 and over. Computer users are requested to pick up a number for a designated work station at the front desk. On rare occasions, if demand is great, computer use may be limited to half-hour increments. Patrons can also use the Library’s Chromebook laptop computer, which may be reserved at the front desk. Patrons must provide some type of security (e.g., driver’s license) while using the Chromebook, and it cannot be taken outside the building.

The Internet is also accessible to visitors who bring their own laptops or other devices. Access to the Internet through the Library’s computers or its wireless network is encrypted and a password is required. The NWPL is not responsible for theft or loss of information transmitted or stored.


Norman Williams Public Library will be closed the following holidays:

• New Year’s Day – Monday, January 1, 2024
• Martin Luther King Day – Monday January 15, 2024
• Presidents Day – Monday, February 19, 2024
• Memorial Day – Monday, May 27, 2024
• Juneteenth – Wednesday, June 19, 2024
• Independence Day – Thursday, July 4, 2024
• Labor Day – Monday, September 2, 2024
• Indigenous Peoples Day – Monday October 14, 2024
• Veterans Day – Monday, November 11, 2024
• Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 28, 2024
• Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24, 2024
• Christmas Day – Wednesday, December 25, 2024
• New Year’s Eve – Tuesday, December 31, 2024

• New Year’s Day – Wednesday, January 1, 2025
• Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 20, 2025
• Presidents Day – Monday, February 17, 2025
• Memorial Day – Monday, May 26, 2025
• Juneteenth – Thursday, June 19, 2026
• Independence Day – Friday, July 4, 2025
• Labor Day – Monday, September 1, 2025
• Indigenous Peoples Day – Monday October 13, 2025
• Veterans Day – Tuesday, November 11, 2025
• Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 27, 2025
• Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24, 2025
• Christmas Day – Thursday, December 25, 2025
• New Year’s Eve – Wednesday, December 31, 2025
• New Year’s Day – Thursday, January 1, 2026

No Idling Policy

The purpose of this policy is to eliminate unnecessary idling of all vehicles on NWPL property. Vehicle idling wastes fuel, degrades air quality, and causes unnecessary emission of pollutants and greenhouse gasses that enhance the natural greenhouse effect.Vehicle operators will adhere to the following standards:

• Idling is prohibited (with the limited exceptions listed below) when the ambient temperature is above 32°F.
• 5 minute maximum idle time limit when ambient temperature is 32°F and below.

The following exceptions apply:

• Emergency response vehicles when responding to an emergency.
• Vehicles that must remain at a specific temperature for onboard materials.
• Health or safety reasons (e.g., severe weather conditions, use of vehicle safety features).
• Below 0°F for diesel vehicles.

Photography and Video Recording

Photographs and video images of Library visitors are routinely created for the purpose of sharing and celebrating the programs at the NWPL. Photographs, videotapes, and audio clips are sometimes submitted to area newspapers and posted on the NWPL website. The Library hosts many programs that are video recorded for later broadcast on Woodstock Community Television. All adult patrons consent to the Library’s use of these photos or videos unless they inform staff of an objection when the photos or videos are being taken. Whenever photographs or videos are taken for the Library’s use, those in attendance shall be orally notified of this policy.

The NWPL will not use photographs of children under age 18, be they of individuals or as members of a group, on its website or any other electronic or print platform without written permission from the child’s parent or guardian.

Visitors may request to take photographs and make video recordings inside the building. Permission is granted at the discretion of the Library Director or appropriate designee. The Director may forbid photography or video recording by individuals whose activities interfere with Library operations, adversely affect public safety or patrons’ rights to privacy, or cause disturbances. Individuals who photograph or video record inside the NWPL must honor requests from patrons and staff who do not want to be included in photos or video recordings.

If the photography or video recording requires a significant amount of setup time or equipment, the Library must be contacted 48 hours in advance so proper accommodations can be made.

The NWPL accepts no liability for the use of photos or video recordings made by others.

Programs and Events

The Library will offer programs of an educational and entertaining nature for all ages that further the NWPL’s mission of promoting lifelong learning. The Library will use the following criteria in selecting program topics:
• Patron interest and community need
• Relation to Library collections, resources, and other programs
• Educational or entertainment value
• Connection to other community programs, exhibitions, and events
• Library Budget and available resources and space

All NWPL programs will be open to the public, though registration may be required for some programs due to limited space. Program presenters may not solicit business before, during, or after a program but may leave cards or brochures for attendees. Authors and performers may, at the discretion of the Library Director, sell their publications as part of a program.

As a service to the community, the Norman Williams Public Library welcomes organizations and individuals to use its building and grounds. Hosted programs should further the NWPL’s mission of promoting lifelong learning and meet the program selection criteria set forth above, with the exception of private social gatherings (see #4 below).

The NWPL is available to outside groups by prior arrangement on a non-discriminatory, equitable basis, regardless of the group’s beliefs or affiliation or the purpose of the event, provided the event and its content are lawful. Use of Library venues does not constitute an endorsement by the NWPL of the individual’s or group’s mission or views. Library functions take priority when scheduling guest programs.

The NWPL encourages a “no admission or donation” policy for community events while acknowledging that there may be a need to charge for materials.

The NWPL staff is pleased to assist groups or individuals interested in reserving space by providing tours of the Library and helping identify appropriate spaces for functions. The Library’s furnishings and equipment—including computers and other electronics—may be made available to clients at the discretion of the Director and staff as determined to be appropriate. Exterior water and power sources may be used only if previously approved.

The Library requires that all groups or individuals using the facility during business hours be respectful of patrons and their needs. Organizations and individuals must abide by current Library policies and occupancy limits including COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines.

If special accommodations are needed as a means of enabling the broadest possible community participation, the arrangement for and cost of such accommodations will be the responsibility of the group or individual.

The NWPL does not allow smoking or vaping anywhere on its premises. The NWPL does not allow the serving or consumption of alcohol unless the Library Director has approved such alcohol use and the event organizer’s arrangements for alcohol service fully comply with Vermont law and the requirements of the Vermont Department of Liquor Control.

The NWPL assumes no responsibility for loss of, theft of, or damage to the participants’ property during setup, use, or breakdown of space(s). Further, the Library assumes no responsibility for injury to event participants.

While there is no fee for programs with the exception of Personal, Private events, donations are welcome and appreciated to help defray costs for heat and building maintenance.

There are four different categories of programs and events:

1) NWPL event: NWPL is Organizer, Sponsor, and Host (eg Chess, Knitting, Author Event)

Library staff will organize and present programs and may invite outside presenters to perform those functions. The Library may pay an outside presenter a fee or honorarium for the presentation of a program.

Admission fees will not be charged for NWPL-organized programs, although some special events may be designed specifically for fundraising.

Some programs may be made possible by grants, donations, or in-kind gifts. Any group or business that contributes to a Library program will be mentioned in program publicity.

Summary/Responsibilities: NWPL event: NWPL is Organizer, Sponsor, and Host
Promote – newsletter, lists, etc.
AV setup
Room setup
Clean up

2) Collaborative Event: External Organizer; NWPL is Collaborating Sponsor and Host (eg Bookstock, Friends Concert, Garden Club Lectures, Friends Bridge)

A community group or agency organizing a program may request the Library collaborate on producing the event. This collaboration will involve cooperating with publicity, room setup, and AV equipment setup.

External organizers must deliver program information to the designated Library staff at least four weeks in advance.

Refreshments may be served at a hosted program, following the rules stated above.

Co-sponsors are expected to help with setup, break down, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition.

Summary/Responsibilities: Collaborative Event: External Organizer; NWPL is Collaborating Sponsor and Host
Room setup
Clean up

Promote – include in newsletter and on website
Limited staff support
Room setup support
AV setup

3) External or Private Organizer and Sponsor; NWPL is Host (eg Public: Garden Club Plant Sale; AND Private: Business meeting, Friends Board Meeting; Italian Class; Tutors)

An External or Private Organizer and Sponsor will have full responsibility for the program’s content and execution with limited support from the Library.

External or Private Organizers of events open to the public will be responsible for creating and distributing any promotional or other materials associated with the use of NWPL space. Such materials will be made available to the public and will conspicuously display the following disclaimer on the first page: “Use of Library space by any individual or group for an event does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship of that event by the Norman Williams Public Library.” Materials distributed by parties using Library space solely for a private social function are generally not required to contain the foregoing disclaimer.

External or Private Organizers are responsible for room setup, breakdown, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition.

Summary/Responsibilities: External or Private Organizer and Sponsor; NWPL is Host
Room setup
Clean up

Room setup support
AV setup

4) Personal, Private Event during or outside of business hours at the discretion of the Director (eg Wedding, Showers, Private Tai Chi Class)

Occasionally, the Library Director may approve the use of the venue for a Personal or Private Event.

This will require a deposit and payment under terms of the NWPL’s rental contract to be determined by the specific needs of the event. In addition, the Library requires a damage deposit, which will be returned within one week of the event if no damage has occurred. All of the above rules are in effect including following occupancy guidelines and following Vermont licensing requirements.

Personal, Private Event Organizers are responsible for room setup, breakdown, and returning NWPL spaces to their original condition. The Library will require compensation for any damages to finishes, furnishings, or equipment resulting from private use. Such compensation will be deducted from the deposit.

Summary/Responsibilities: Personal, Private Event during or outside of business hours
Pay Deposit and Fee
Room setup
Clean up

Staff on site during event
Support room setup
AV setup

Rules of Conduct

To ensure that all patrons can enjoy the Library’s facilities and to protect the safety of patrons and staff members, the NWPL shall enforce the following Rules of Conduct.
• Smoking/vaping is not permitted on Library property. Tobacco products, tobacco paraphernalia, drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol (open or closed) shall not be visible to the public at any time. Alcohol is permitted at sanctioned library events.
• Children may eat snacks in the Children’s Room only and at the discretion of the Children’s Librarian. No food is allowed elsewhere in the building unless at a sanctioned library event. Drinks are not permitted near any library electronics (Chrome books, printers, televisions, microphones, etc.) Alcoholic beverages may be served and consumed in the Library only at authorized functions.
• Talking must be kept at low levels. Loud noise, spitting, horseplay, and other disruptive conduct are not permitted.
• Audio output from electronic devices is not permitted.
• No more than two patrons at a time may be at one computer terminal.
• All library patrons, staff, materials, and furnishings are to be treated with respect.
• Actions and behavior that interfere with a patrons use of the library is not permitted. Disruptive, harassing, or threatening behavior or language is not allowed.
• Patrons should keep personal items with them and neatly contained. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
• Pathways, stairs, and doorways are to be kept clear of personal belongings and are not to be used as a location for congregating.
• Speaking on cell phones is limited to the foyer area or outside.
• Playing in the parking area is prohibited for safety reasons, as are ball playing, skateboarding, and bike riding in the public areas in front of the building.
• No weapons of any kind in the Library or on the Library grounds unless carried by a law enforcement officer.
• Shoes and shirts are to be worn at all times while in the library.

Website Usage and Disclaimer

Media Used by the Norman Williams Public Library

The Norman Williams Public Library utilizes several media platforms to keep the public informed. Foremost is this website The website is updated regularly and is the most accurate source of information about the library.  In addition, anyone can subscribe to the NWPL Newsletter to receive email announcements of library events, news and information.  The public is also encouraged to subscribe to the NWPL twitter and Facebook accounts to get periodic updates.


How to Submit Information to the NWPL Website

To best serve the mission of the Norman Williams Public Library, the website will only publish information that has direct bearing on the library and its mission. Feel free to bring your event information to the Circulation Desk or submit it electronically to


Acceptable Images

Photographs and video images of library visitors are routinely created for the purpose of sharing and celebrating the programs at NWPL. Photographs and videotapes/audio clips are sometimes submitted to area newspapers and posted on our website.  Children’s pictures or work is may be disclosed under the following guidelines:

• Photos of an individual child or his/her work may be used on the website, student newspaper, or local media with permission of a parent/guardian.
Such permission will not be sought for photos of groups of four or more.
• Full names of high school student pictures or scanned work will be used.
• Only first names of K-8 grade student pictures or scanned work will be used.
• Personal information of students will not be published.